Wednesday, May 13, 2009

imitate Christ

 Several weeks ago I was unsuccessful in trying to locate the 1990 film Jesus of Montreal. It was controversial when released -- I saw it for the first time only a couple of years ago. The film left a very strong impression on me. It is about a young actor who becomes "obsessed" with Jesus' teachings and attempts to repeat them by preaching and actions which are often misinterpreted as the ruminations of a deranged person. I was again reminded of the film as I read the following words of Thomas a Kempis, a 15th century priest, teacher, and author:

The Lord states: He who follows me does not walk in darkness (John 8:12). These, Christ's words, advise us that if we wish to be really enlightened and to be freed from spiritual blindness, we must imitate the life style of Christ. Our deepest desire should be to reflect on Christ's life.

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