Saturday, April 12, 2008


When I became an oblate of St. Benedict through Blue Cloud Abbey, I was told that I could choose a new name as an oblate. After several days' deliberation, I chose Anselm, after St. Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109), a philosopher, theologian, and archbishop. Here is one of his prayers which I wholeheartedly adopt as my own:

Most merciful Lord, turn my lukewarmness into a fervent love of you. Most gentle Lord, my prayer tends towards this -- that by remembering and meditating on the good things you have done I may be enkindled with your love. Your goodness, Lord, created me; your mercy cleansed what you had created from original sin; your patience has hitherto borne with me, fed me, waited for me, when after I had lost the grace of my baptism I wallowed in many sordid sins. You wait, good Lord, for my amendment. My soul waits for the inbreathing of your grace in order to be sufficiently penitent to lead a better life. Amen.

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