Sunday, April 22, 2007

the need for quiet

We all need it. One of the reasons I go to Blue Cloud Abbey. The need for quiet.
Abbot Thomas comments on this need:

Our world is awash in noise, especially if you live in a big city. There is no way we can get away from it sometimes. If you have to wait on the phone, there is music. You ride in an elevator there is piped in music. The store aisles are filled with music and other noises. People have cell phones with them all the time and they are always on. Then there is the I-Pod, the radio, the computer, the T.V. Maybe you can list a few more.

What to do about it? If you really want some quiet in your life, then you will have to do something about it yourself. Don’t turn on your cell phone unless you need to, others can leave you a message. Don’t turn on your car radio, just sit in quiet and listen to the silence, or speak to God, or pray the rosary. When you get up in the morning, the very first thing you should do is take 10 or 15 minutes to read a short section from the Bible – maybe say morning prayer from our web-site, then close the Bible and sit there in silence talking with Jesus. He is your best friend and is always there for you.

If you do this everyday you will be amazed at how much your inner life calms down and is at peace.

Abbot Thomas, O.S.B.

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