Sunday, February 19, 2006

You are like a mosquito

One thing we should all try to avoid is a mosquito mentality. I was sitting with some elderly Native American women as the Senior Citizen Center at St. Michael's Indian Mission in North Dakota. Actually I was having my usual noon lunch with them. But being the German that I am, I am also very scheduled. When 1 p.m rolled around I quickly finished my lunch and told the ladies that I had to go get my mail. Then Mary put her hand on my hand and politely tapped it and said: "Now Father, you just sit down here with us for awhile and visit. You don't have to rush off to the post office just now. You are so much like a mosquito. You land, eat, and take off.
Now that hit me where it hurts and her words have stuck with now for the last 20 some years. I tell myself: "Thomas, don't be like a mosquito. Take time with people, visit with people, don't be in such a hurry to go somewhere or to do something. Put your own agenda aside for a change, and be present to people."
We need to take time for others and not be in such a hurry to do our own thing or to keep our own schedule. Take time with family and friends and fellow workers, they are important. And above all take time with God, He is very important. Take time to pray and visit with God everyday.

Abbot Thomas
Blue Cloud Abbey

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