MANGER: Where Mary gave birth to Jesus because Joseph wasn't
covered by an HMO.
We don't know that for sure. It is possible that Mary was
just "outside the network." Or maybe she misread the contract and
did not see that it was actually for "mangered care" rather than
managed care. Because she did not read the fine print she probably
assumed that a "double-occupancy" room meant that you would be
sharing with another person- not a horse or a cow. You have to look
carefully at those HMO contracts. No co-pay though so that is a good
thing, we are told. Or perhaps Joseph was in fact covered by an HMO
but they were not in a state that extended coverage to unmarried
partners. Or it is possible that she used up all of her coverage
when the HMO paid for the Lamaze class that she and Joseph attended.
People see things differently. When I see that Mary was given a
place to flop out in the barn as a way of holding costs down, I
assume that she *does* have HMO coverage. However, if she had been
part of the British or Canadian health care systems she would have
gotten full coverage for free. Problem is, a two year waiting period
doesnt work all that well with pregnancies. So many choices in
health care these days.
# posted by Ivars: 12:56 PM