Friday, July 29, 2005

What can we learn from Pope Benedict XVI's first 100 days in office?

From The Tablet:
Well, his personal style has been good-humoured, to the extent that he makes self-deprecating jokes about being German. He has a penchant for designer sunglasses and white baseball caps. He smokes, plays the piano and likes cats. In keeping with his lack of pomposity he has had the triple tiara, the anachronistic heraldic symbol of a pope as temporal ruler, dropped from his coat of arms in favour of a mitre.

Less comfortable in crowds than his predecessor, Pope Benedict has confirmed only one foreign visit so far, to Cologne for August's World Youth Day celebrations. That trip will be watched closely for his comments on the spiritual perils facing Europe through secularism and relativism, which so vexed him before his election.

The Pope's most significant act to date has been the appointment of Archbishop William Levada, Archbishop of San Francisco, to replace himself as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The American has a reputation as a reconciler rather than a punisher, suggesting that his selection bodes well for other appointments expected later this year.

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