Tuesday, July 12, 2005
The Lutheran Handbook

It's published by Augsburg Fortress which has even set up a series of videos to publicize the book. (On my computer, the Quick Time Player was best.)
There is good discussion about the "dangers" of praise songs (glazed looks & hand raisers), dealing with noisy kids & chatty neighbors during the service, how to stay awake, and what to bring to pot lucks.
In a more serious vein, the book includes an abbreviated version of Luther's Small Catechism and many maps & diagrams. Perhaps the most intriguing is "How to become a theologian of the Cross (and avoid being a theologian of glory)." There are also detailed instructions on consoling and blessing people.
I found the sections on comparative religions and comparisons between liturgical and non-liturgical churches helpful to my understanding fellow seekers. For those tempted by heresy, there is even a section on how to avoid getting burned at the stake. (I wonder if this was intended especially for pastors. )
Things I didn't know: (a) Luther's last written words: "It's true. We're beggars." (b) One of Martin Luther's favorite ways to banish the devil: Break wind. The devil (along with anyone else in the room) might well leave you alone.
I wonder if Fortress would offer multiple copies of the book at a discount; it would be a great way for Lutheran churches to introduce seekers to Lutheranism.
Highly recommended!